
Violence is devastating to all survivors, regardless of sex and/or gender. Male victims and survivors have unique concerns when it comes to reporting an incident to a confidential or non-confidential service. Male victims and survivors may be worried that CVRC advocates, police, Title IX staff, and campus administrators will be insensitive to their experiences because they are men or may be blaming themselves because of the myth that men should be strong enough to defend themselves.  Men have the same rights as any survivor who walks through the doors of the CVRC.  CVRC staff provide free, confidential, and culturally competent and supportive services to all genders.


This project was supported by Grant No. PROJ013008 awarded by the N.C. Governor’s Crime Commission, N.C. Department of Public Safety, Office of Justice Programs, Office for Victims of Crime, U.S. Department of Justice. Points of view or opinions in this document (website) are those of the author and do not necessarily represent the official position or policies of the entities identified above.

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