What to do if someone tells you they experienced interpersonal violence:

  • A responsible employee is an employee who: has the authority to take action to redress interpersonal violence; or has been given the duty of reporting incidents of misconduct by students to the Title IX Coordinator or other appropriate school designees. For a list of responsible employees, read the Policy on Sexual and Gender-Based Harassment, Sex Discrimination, and Other Forms of Interpersonal Violence.
  • Reporting is required to ensure that the reporting party has access to available resources and to help safeguard the well-being of the university community.  The University is required to stop prohibited conduct, remedy its effects, and prevent its recurrence.

  • Offer them support.  Health and safety should be a primary concern.  If the person’s safety is an immediate concern, call UNCG Police Department at (336) 334-4444 or call 911.
  • Do not act shocked or judge what happened to them or their decisions.
  • Don’t assume you know what is best for them or that you can sit closely or hug them.
  • Allow them to share what they want, don’t ask questions.
  • Practice self-care.  Get information and support for yourself as a helper

  • There are many resources available to someone that has experienced interpersonal violence both on and off campus, some of which are strictly confidential.
  • Explain that you are a responsible employee (if you are), and in an effort to support a safe community, you are required to share the information with the Title IX Coordinator. If you have questions about reporting, contact the Title IX Coordinator at (336) 256-0362
  • Offer to walk them to the Campus Violence Response Center on the ground floor of the Gove Student Health Center.  Share that the CVRC is a confidential single point of access on campus where they can learn about their options in a safe environment.
  • Let them know they have the right to choose who they speak to and what resources to use.
  • Follow up over the next few days/weeks.

What to do if you or a friend experienced interpersonal violence:

  • It is not your fault!  Regardless of any circumstances, no one asks or deserves to experience interpersonal violence.
  • You set the pace.
  • You have the right to choose who you speak to, what resources you use, what you say and when you say it.
  • There are many resources available to help you both on and off campus.
  • Your information will be kept private and only shared with those who, “need to know.” We want to help ensure your well-being and the well-being of our community members.

  • Go to a safe space.  If you are in immediate danger, call UNCG Police at (336) 334-4444.
  • If you are in crisis, call Family Service of the Piedmont crisis line at (336) 273-7273 or go to the Campus Violence Response Center on the ground floor of the Gove Student Health Center building.
  • Seek medical attention.  Even if you do not want to report the incident, you may have injuries of which you are not aware or want to discuss options for prevention of pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections.
  • You can have an anonymous Sexual Assault Nurse Examination performed that can preserve evidence for one year to give you time to decide if you want to move forward with prosecution or not.  This does not require you to report to police.  Remember to avoid showering, bathing, douching, eating, drinking, brushing your teeth, or smoking if at all possible in order to preserve evidence.  Clothing worn during or after the assault should be saved in a paper bag to best preserve evidence.
  • You can submit an anonymous report to the UNCG Police Department. 
  • You can report to the Title IX Coordinator at any time by calling (336) 256-0362 or submitting a report.

campus violence response center


Ground Floor, Gove Student Health Center

107 Gray Drive, Greensboro, NC 27412

Phone Number: 336.334.9839

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